CIH LMU Munich Advanced Module:
Climate Change and Health: Initiating and Leading Transformational Change
You can download here our flyer with all information as Pdf-download

Climate change is the biggest threat for global health (Lancet 2009). Millions will become victims of heat waves, droughts, floods and storms, hunger and the spread of infectious diseases, sea level rise and resulting migration and political instability. Children, not responsible for any of the causes, will suffer the most. The World Economic Forum ranks climate change and associated threats highest in its latest Global Risks Report: „The world is sleepwalking into a catastrophe.“
We have seen the signs for years. But we did almost nothing to change the course. Do we suffer from collective paralysis? Why are we stuck? We seem to be unable to reflect the need for a great transformation. Does it go beyond our current capacity of imagination?
Understanding the facts of climate change and the health consequences of climate change is not enough. We need to act as transformational change agents, networks and alliances, argue the case for transformation and implement multiple transformation pathways in the health sector and beyond both on local and global levels.
This advanced course is the first of its kind in Europe, bringing together health and climate science and the transformational change perspective.
The course is troped accredited.
The faculty include:
- Harald Lesch, professor for theoretical astrophysics at LMU Munich, teaches natural philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy.
- Sabine Gabrysch, professor for climate change and health at Charite University Hospital Berlin and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
- Annette Peters, Director Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health
- Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, professor for environmental medicine, Helmholtz Zentrum – German Research Center for the Environment, Technical University Munich.
- Kris Murray, professor for disease ecology, Imperial College London, Lancet Countdown.
- Nick Watts, Executive Director The Lancet Countdown.
- Nicole de Paula, political scientist and global health expert, Klaus Töpfer Fellow IASS Potsdam.
- Michael Palmer, sustainability expert, IASS Potsdam Fellow.
Maike Voss, researcher, global issues research division, German Institution for International and Security Affairs. - Andrew Farlow, research fellow in economics, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford.
- Anja Leetz, senior project manager health, Robert Bosch Stiftung.
- Luzie Verbeek, Robert Koch Institut – One Health,
Climate Change. - Ilona M. Otto, research associate, Earth System Analysis, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Ariane Hagl, artist, expert in creative change.
- Martin Herrmann, medical doctor, expert in transformational change and leadership. President KLUG – German Alliance Climate Change and Health.
- Franziska Matthies-Wiesler, climate change and health expert, Helmholtz Zentrum – German Research Center for the Environment.
Next Dates: 16. – 20.03.2020
Course Credits: 3 ECTS
Cost: EUR 600,-
Location: Munich, Germany
Course duration: 1 preparatory week incl. pre-reading 1 week face-to-face module from 16. – 20.03.2020, Assignment submission 4 weeks after the course
Scholarships: Some scholarships can be provided. Please contact Martin Herrmann
For questions regarding the course please contact:
Dr Martin Herrmann:
Dr Franziska Matthies-Wiesler:
For registration please contact:
Martina Manhart, MA PGCE, Teaching & Training Unit at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Center for International Health, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Phone: +49 (0)89 4400 59815, Email:
Flyer with all information as Pdf download: 20200112-lmu-flyer.pdf
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